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PWSE 1030, LWSE 1030- Security + (Online)

Joel Vargas
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IT security is paramount to organizations as cloud computing and mobile devices have changed the way we do business. With the massive amounts of data transmitted and stored on networks throughout the world, it’s essential to have effective security practices in place. As a benchmark for best practices in IT security, this course covers the essential principles for network security and risk management – making it an important stepping stone of an IT security career.

Here is the class outline:

1. Reflexion

Sep 27

" Tus clientes más insatisfechos son tu mayor fuente de aprendizaje." Bill Gates

2. Honor Code

Sep 27

Lee Cuidadosamente cada premia.

3. Presentaciones Security+ 501

Sep 26

4. Presentation Security + 601

5. Tutoriales

Sep 27

Como Manejar las plataformas que estamos utilizando al momento

6. Videos Explicativos Laboratorios

Sep 27

Atraves de un video una breve explicacion de cada trabajo.

7. Grabaciones de Clases

Oct 16

Referencia de Clases en Go To Meeting

8. Acronyms

Sep 27

9. Referencia (Darryl Gibson Security +)

Sep 26


10. Security Basics

Oct 4

11. Articulos Discutidos en Clase

Oct 4

Aqui encontraran articulos relacionados al material de la clase

12. Understanding IAM

Oct 12

13. Network Technologies Tools

Oct 13
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