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(ONLINE) Calculation Sheet (DMCS 1040, DMCL 1050)

Joel Vargas
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Upon successful completion of this course, the student will improve their presentations skills by using the resources acquired. The student will customize the PowerPoint interface to suit their needs and use functions to create dynamic and visually appealing presentations. Next, the student will make a complete Power Point presentation. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: customize the PowerPoint environment, customize a design template, add Smart Art graphics to a presentation, add special effects to a presentation, customize a slide show, collaborate on a presentation, and distribute a presentation.

Here is the class outline:

1. Bienvenidos

Bienvenidos al Curso Calculation Sheets

2. Reflexion

Sep 12

"Podemos sentirnos satisfechos por saber que todo lo que creamos tiene una explicación que nace de aquello que ha conmovido nuestros sentidos y nuestras sensibilidades." Ines Susaeta

3. Lecciones 1-6

Feb 23

MOS Excel 2016 Presentation

4. Manual Basico Excel

Feb 23

Aqui encontraras el Manual Basico paso a paso de Word a utilizarse como referencia en la clase.

5. Guia de Inicio Excel 2016

Aqui encontraras el recurso que utilizaras para contestar la mayoria del material de plataforma

6. MOS Office Excel 2016

Aqui encontraras el Libro a utilizar en la clase de Excel 2016

7. Videos de Como Utilizar Plataforma

Aqui encontraras tutoriales de como utilizar la plataforma de Password Technical College

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