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(Ponce) Networking Fundamentals (PWNF 1010)

Joel Vargas
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Networking Fundamentals course covers basic networking concepts within the context of security on the networks you encounter every day. In this course, students will develop the knowledge associate to computer networking and understand the role networks play in our lives. This course introduces students to networking security careers and prepares them for IT security field.



The course introduces students to characteristics of cybercrime, security principles, technologies, and procedures to defend networks. Through interactive, multimedia content, lab activities, and multi-industry case studies, students build technical and professional skills to pursue careers in cybersecurity

  • Learn procedures to implement data confidentiality, integrity, availability and security controls on networks, servers and applications.
  • Understand security principles and how to develop security policies that comply with cybersecurity laws.
  • Apply skills through on-hands practice, using labs and Cisco Packet Tracer activities.

Skills Distribution

  • Explain network technologies.
  • Explain how devices access local and remote network resources.
  • Implement basic network connectivity between devices.
  • Design an IP addressing scheme to provide network connectivity for a small to medium-sized business network.
  • Describe router hardware.
  • Explain how switching operates in a small to medium-sized business network.
  • Configure monitoring tools available for small to medium-sized business networks.
  • Configure initial settings on a network device
  • Configure security settings on a network device
  • Learn how to monitor network streams to detect suspicious activity

Here is the class outline:

1. Reflexion

Jul 11

Las redes no se trata sólo de conectar a las personas. Se trata de conectar a las personas con las personas, a las personas con las ideas y a las personas con oportunidades». Michele Jennae.

2. Honor Code

Jul 11

Lee Cuidadosamente cada premia.

3. Tutoriales

Jul 11

Como Manejar las plataformas que estamos utilizando al momento

4. Presentation

Jul 11

Networking Fundamentals PPT

5. Grabaciones de Clases

Jul 11

Referencia de Clases en Go To Meeting

6. Memory Tables

Jul 19

Important Tables

7. Network Infracstructure

Jul 19

All of the resources of a network that make network or internet connectivity, management, business operations and communication possible.

8. OSI Model

Jul 16

Es un modelo de referencia para los protocolos de la red, creado en el año 1980 por la Organización Internacional de Normalización

9. TCP/IP Animation

Jul 24

Una pequeña descripcion como se maneja el proceso del modelo TCP/IP

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