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PWHI 1010: Intro to Ethical Hacking - Sample course

Javier Irizarry Riveiro
No access code required

This Course enables students to understand the importance of vulnerability assessments by providing industry knowledge and skills in Vulnerability Assessments. In doing so, the student is able to understand how malware and destructive viruses function. In addition, the course helps students learn how to implement counter response and preventative measures when it comes to a network hack.

Here is the class outline:

1. Reflection

May 31

" El Unico sistema completamente seguro es aquel que está apagdo, encerrado en un bloque de cemento y sellado en una habitación rodeada de alambradas y guardias armados". Gene Spafford

2. Honor Code

Jun 1

Leer Cuidadosamente las premisas

3. Comunicado

Jun 1

Comunicado de Parte de Password Technical College

4. Tutoriales

Jun 1

Como Manejar las plataformas que estamos utilizando al momento

5. Presentation

Jun 1

Introduction to Ethical Hacking

6. Videos Explicativos Laboratorios

Jun 1

Aqui van a encontrar todo lo relacionado a tutoriales de como realizar laboratorios de las clases

7. Grabaciones de Clases

Feb 2

Referencia de Clases en Go To Meeting

8. Intro to Ethical Hacking

Jun 6

covering the fundamental concepts of network security. It enables students with the skills to identify information security threats which reflect on the security posture of the organization and implement general security controls.

9. Cybercrime is a Big Business

Jun 8

How hackers and their methods are getting more sophisticated

10. OWASP TOP 10

Jun 13

is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications.

11. Injection Attack

Jun 1

In other words, a threat is any bad thing that can happen to your assets. A vulnerability is a weakness that makes a threat possible.

12. Linux Fundamentals

Jun 8

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds.

13. WPA 3

El protocolo de seguridad de redes inalámbricas pretende mejorar aspectos de la autenticación y encriptación, para proteger a los usuarios contra ciberataques.

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