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(CYSA) Intoduction to Networks 2 (CYNE 1030)

Joel Vargas
No access code required

Introduction to Network II Introduces the architectures, models, protocols, and networking elements that connect users, devices, applications and data through the internet and across modern computer networks including IP addressing and Ethernet fundamentals. By the end of the course, students can build simple local area networks (LANs) that integrate IP addressing schemes, foundational network security, and perform basic configurations for routers and switches.

This course provides learners with a broad foundational understanding of networking. It is suitable for anyone interested in a career in IT, or a related career pathway. The primary emphasis is on networking knowledge with a small amount of basic skills that are useful for a home or SOHO network.



Here is the class outline:

1. Reflexion

Sep 19

"El ignorante cree saberlo todo, cree tener la razón e incluso, es desconocedor de su propia ignorancia. El sabio reconoce que aún hay mucho por aprender de los otros y del entorno, si desea ampliar sus conocimientos y ganar nuevas perspectivas sobre un tema". Wayne Dyer

2. Honor Code

Sep 20

Lee Cuidadosamente cada premia.

3. Presentation

Sep 20

Networking Fundamentals PPT

4. Other Information

Sep 27

Important Tables

5. Router Simulator

Linksys Simulator

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