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Word Processing App (DMWP1020, DMWL 1030)

Javier Irizarry Riveiro
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An introductory course designed to allow students to learn how to enter, edit and modify text, create indexes, outlines, columns, tables, resumes, and cover letters. Learn to combine mail together with the tools most used in the administrative and professional environment as well as how to quickly use word processing software efficiently.

The curriculum extends the learning process to ensure that students have the opportunity to explore all areas of a program pertinent to the corresponding MOS certification objectives, or that have been identified as most important for users to understand, through the completion of individual activities. Through this extended practice, the curriculum provides provide a significant opportunity for the hands-on program experience that is expected and required of a successful certification candidate or proficient user.

Here is the class outline:

1. Bienvenidos al Curso Word Procesing App

Aug 15

“Sé un punto de referencia de calidad. Algunas personas no están acostumbradas a un ambiente donde la excelencia es aceptada.” Steve Jobs

2. Material de Referencia

Aug 14

MOS Word 2016 Presentation

3. Manual Basico Word

Aug 14

Aqui encontraras el Manual Basico paso a paso de Word a utilizarse como referencia en la clase.

4. MOS Office 2016

Aqui encontraras el recurso que utilizaras para contestar la mayoria del material de plataforma

5. Videos de Como Utilizar Plataforma

Aqui encontraras tutoriales de como utilizar la plataforma de Password Technical College

6. Partes de la Plantilla Word 2016

Aqui encontraras para de los procesos de WORD 2016

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