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(00) (CYSA 3) Cybersecurity Essentials (CYES 1010)

Joel Vargas
Access code required

The Cybersecurity Essentials course is designed for students who are interested in pursuing more advanced studies the field of cybersecurity. This preparatory course provides with an overview of the cybersecurity field. This class explores the characteristics of and tactics used by cyber criminals. It then delves into the technologies, products, and procedures cybersecurity professional use to combat cybercrime.

Prontuario: /files/4223330/Prontuario-_Cybersecurity_Essentials.pdf



Skills Distribution

  • Describe the characteristics of criminals and experts in the cybersecurity world.
  • Describe how the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as they relate to data states and cybersecurity countermeasures.
  • Describe the tactics, techniques and procedures used by cyber criminals.
  • Describe how technologies, products and procedures are used to protect confidentiality.
  • Describe how technologies, products and procedures are used to ensure integrity.
  • Describe how technologies, products, and procedures provide high availability.
  • Explain how cybersecurity professionals use technologies, processes and procedures to defend all components of the network.
  • Explain the purpose of laws related to cybersecurity.

Here is the class outline:

1. Reflection

Feb 13

" El Unico sistema completamente seguro es aquel que está apagado, encerrado en un bloque de cemento y sellado en una habitación rodeada de alambradas y guardias armados". Gene Spafford

2. Honor Code

Feb 13

Lee Cuidadosamente cada premia.

3. Presentation

Dec 21

Diapositvas importantes discutidas en clase

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