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(00) (CYSA 3) Intoduction to Networks 1 (CYNE 1020)

Joel Vargas
No access code required

Networking Essentials covers basic networking concepts within the context of the networks you encounter every day. Students will develop hands-on networking skills and understand the role networks play in our lives. This course introduces students to networking careers and prepares them for further study.





  • Learn how to plan and install a network using real equipment and connect it to the Internet.
  • Practice verifying and troubleshooting network and Internet connectivity.
  • Learn how to recognize and mitigate security threats to a home network.
  • Configure common Internet applications, set up sharing between computers, and configure basic IP services.
  • Get immediate feedback on your work through built-in quizzes and tests.
  • Connect with the global Cisco Networking Academy community.

Here is the class outline:

1. Reflexion

Mar 6

Las redes no se trata sólo de conectar a las personas. Se trata de conectar a las personas con las personas, a las personas con las ideas y a las personas con oportunidades». Michele Jennae.

2. Honor Code

Mar 6

Lee Cuidadosamente cada premia.

3. Presentation

Mar 6

Networking Fundamentals PPT

4. Other Information

Mar 13

Important Tables

5. Explicacion de Laboratorios

Aqui encontraras videos explicando algunos de los laboratorios realizados en clase

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