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(00) (CYSA 2) (CYLI 2030) Linux Essentials for Cybersecurity

Joel Vargas
No access code required

The goal of this course is to provide students a “starting place” for learning the Linux operating system. Students who complete this course should understand Linux as an operating system, basic open-source concepts, how Linux is used and the basics of the Linux command line.

Syllabus: Class and Laboratory





This course implements a "practice as you read" approach to learning. Each learner has hands-on access to a Linux virtual machine to practice, explore and trial Linux command line concepts. The learner is provided prescriptive step-by-step labs. These labs provide a learning environment where students interact with the Linux operating system and build on their skills and knowledge as they progress through the course.

Here is the class outline:

1. Reflection

Apr 25

La inteligencia es la habilidad de evitar hacer trabajo, y conseguir que el trabajo se haga. Linus Torvalds

2. Honor Code

Apr 25

Lee Cuidadosamente cada premia.

3. Presentation

Apr 25

Linux Fundamentals

4. Videos Explicativos Laboratorios

Apr 25

Atraves de un video una breve explicacion de cada trabajo.

5. History of Linux

May 1

The Evolution of Linux in Past to Present

6. Articles and Videos

May 1

Articules and Videos Related to World of Linux

7. Basic Commands

May 1

Linux Commands

8. Important Tables Commands

May 9

Aqui encontraras comandos importantes discutidos por capitulo

9. Linux Distributions

May 15

Aqui encontraras los Links para descargar diferentes distribuciones de Linux segun opciones de uso

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