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Ethical Hacking II

Joel Vargas
Access code required

Prontuario de la Clase Ethical Hacking 2

Here is the class outline:

1. Reflection

Apr 29

"Si tu no trabajas por tus sueños alguien te contratará para que trabajes por los suyos" Steve Jobs

2. Honor Code

Apr 29

Leer Cuidadosamente las premisas

3. Tutoriales

Apr 29

Como Manejar las plataformas que estamos utilizando al momento

4. Presentation

Apr 29

Ethical Hacking II

5. Videos Explicativos Laboratorios

May 4

Aqui van a encontrar todo lo relacionado a tutoriales de como realizar laboratorios de las clases

6. Security Fundamentals

Apr 29

It enables students with the skills to identify information security threats which reflect on the security posture of the organization and implement general security controls.

7. Information Gathering

Apr 29

Information Gathering is the act of gathering different kinds of information against the targeted victim or system.

8. Vulnerability Assessment

May 4

Is the process of defining, identifying, classifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in computer systems

9. Hacking Web Application

May 4

This vulnerability allows the attacker to target other users on the application to gain their user data or perform unauthorised actions on their behalf.

10. Hacking Web Server

May 4

By using the same tools and methods that malicious attackers rely on, you can attempt to gain access to a server. If successful, you can identify necessary fixes and upgrades that must be performed to improve security and to detect and respond to malicious activity.

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