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A+ Core 1 (Badge Network 2.0)

Joel Vargas
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Here is the class outline:

1. Reflexion

Aug 13

Las redes no se trata sólo de conectar a las personas. Se trata de conectar a las personas con las personas, a las personas con las ideas y a las personas con oportunidades». Michele Jennae.

2. Tutoriales

Sep 18

Como Manejar las plataformas que estamos utilizando al momento

3. Presentation

Sep 18

Networking Fundamentals PPT

4. Grabaciones de Clases

Sep 18

Go To Meeting Sessions

5. Memory Tables

Sep 25

Important Tables

6. Networking

May 7

Chapter 18: Summary

7. Routing

Sep 23

Routing is the process of selecting a path for traffic in a network or between or across multiple networks.

8. IPV4 & IPV6

Sep 23

An Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

9. WAN Technologies

Sep 23

A wide area network is a telecommunications network that extends over a large geographic area for the primary purpose of computer networking.

10. Network Optimization

Oct 7

Network optimization is a set of best practices used to improve network performance.

11. Network Security

Oct 13

Network security consists of the policies and practices adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources.

12. Network Management

Oct 14

Network management is the process of administering and managing computer networks.

13. OSI Model

Sep 22

Es un modelo de referencia para los protocolos de la red, creado en el año 1980 por la Organización Internacional de Normalización

14. Introduction to IP

15. Common Network Ports

16. Network Devices

17. Installing a SOHO Network

18. 802.11 Wireless Standards

19. Network Services

20. An Overview of IPv4 and IPv6

21. Internet Connection Types

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