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(00) (P) IT Fundamentals (FC0-U61)

Joel Vargas
Access code required

Successful students will have the knowledge required to assemble components based on customer requirements, install, configure and maintain devices, PCs and software for end users, understand the basics of networking and security / forensics, property and safely diagnose, resolve and document common hardware and software issues, apply troubleshooting skills, provide appropriate customer support, and understand the basics of virtualization, desktop imaging, and deployment.

This course will teach the student the fundamental principles of installing, configuring, and troubleshooting PC, mobile, printer, and networking device hardware and help you to progress a career in PC support. It will prepare the student take the CompTIA FC0-U61 exam by providing 100 coverage of the objectives and content examples listed. 





Here is the class outline:

1. Reflexion

Jan 22

“Podría parecer que hemos llegado a los límites alcanzables por la tecnología informática, aunque uno debe ser prudente con estas afirmaciones, pues tienden a sonar bastante tontas en cinco años”. John Von Neumann

2. Honor Code

Jan 23

Lee Cuidadosamente cada premia.

3. Presentation

Jan 23

IT Fundamentals PPT

4. Recordings

5. Motherboards

Jan 22

Motherboards, Expansion Slot and Peripherals

6. Display Devices

Display Devices, Video Connectors and Printers

7. OS

Nov 24

Operating Systems

8. Software Applications

Nov 26

File Extensions

9. Network

Jan 5

Network Connectivity

10. TCP/IP Explain

Feb 15

Resumen de Tabla de Modelo TCP/IP

11. Database

Mar 25

Database Questions

12. Security Threats

Jan 5

Software attacks, theft of intellectual property, identity theft, theft of equipment or information

13. Libro de Referencia

Jan 30

Libro en PDF de Referencia IT Fundamentals + (FC0-U61)

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